From time to time people ask us about whether they can come and work with BEAST. Since we’re associated with the University of Birmingham, the answer may be yes, particularly if you’re interested in PhD and Masters study. We can offer:
  • The chance to join a department which has been a leader in the field of electronic music for over three decades.
  • Expertise in acousmatic composition, live-coding, mixed instrumental/electronic music, large-scale spatialisation, network music, SuperCollider development, and phonology/soundscape composition
  • The opportunity to work with BEAST itself, which is capable of presenting electronic music in circa 100 discrete channels
  • Access to amazing facilities in the £16 million Bramall Music Building:
    • Six cutting edge multichannel composition studios
    • The Dome Rehearsal Room, featuring the 30+ channel BEASTdome system
    • The Elgar Concert Hall, arguably the finest and most flexible (particularly for electronic music) space of its kind in a UK university
    • Throughout featuring bespoke acoustic design by Nick Edwards (Symphony Hall Birmingham, Symphony Centre Dallas, Royal Shakespeare Theatre)
  • Excellent equipment resources (recorders, microphones, etc.)
  • Opportunities to work with world class visiting ensembles (e.g. BCMG annually; Exaudi, Hermes, and Fidelio trio in recent years) in regular workshop sessions
  • Full-time, part-time, and distance learning options
More info on our research culture, staff, and facilities is available here:


BEAST in the Elgar Concert Hall

BEAST in the Elgar Concert Hall

Funding Opportunities

Birmingham is part of the Midlands3Cities AHRC doctoral training partnership, which offers up to full scholarships with a living allowance for UK and EU students, and opportunities for co-supervision across institutions in the consortium.

All applicants may apply for College of Arts and Law Scholarships and Music Department funding (applicants for M3C and College funding will be considered for the latter automatically), and there are some opportunities specifically for non-EU students.

We also have a number of teaching assistantships and internships.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions:

BEAST at the CBSO Centre

BEAST at the CBSO Centre