Tickets £10 on the door £7 in advance £3 students View all ticket information
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Tickets £10 on the door £7 in advance £3 students |
£10 on the door £7 in advance £3 students Buy Tickets
October 7
BEASTdome, Bramall Music Building , Times: 7:30 pm - 10:00 pm
BEAST’s season opener showcases music which takes full advantage of the sweeping possibilities of the Dome Room, featuring artists from Birmingham and abroad. The musical arc reaches its culmination with noted British composer Denis Smalley, celebrating his 70th year, who joins us to present his most recent large-scale work, the Fabrezan Preludes, which takes as its centrepiece the resonant chords of Debussy’s Engulfed Cathedral. |
Please note: Ticketing is provided by the Bramall ticketing system: you will be redirected to the Bramall website to complete your online purchase.